New permanent residence

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Minister Marco E. L. Mendicino have pioneered an innovative path to permanent residency for more than 90,000 essential workers and international graduates who actively contribute to Canada’s economy – Announced Wednesday.

These special public policies will bring Canada with existing temporary workers and international graduates with the required skills and experience to provide permanent status and defend the epidemic and boost its economic recovery, he said.

The aim of this new path will be on leading temporary workers and other essential fields working in hospitals and long-term care homes and international graduates who will lead the economy of tomorrow.

To qualify, workers must have at least one year of Canadian work experience in a healthcare profession or another pre-recognized essential occupation. International graduates must have completed a qualified Canadian post-secondary program in the last four years, not earlier than January 2017.

From May 6, 2021, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will begin accepting applications under the following three streams:

  • 20,000 applications for temporary workers in the health service
  • 30,000 applications for temporary workers in selected other essential industries
  • 40,000 applications for international students graduating from a Canadian institution

The streams will remain open until November 5, 2021, or until they reach their limit. 90,000 new permanent residents will be allowed under these three streams.

Three additional streams without caps have been launched for French-speaking or bilingual candidates to promote Canada’s official languages. Communities across Canada benefit from French-speaking and bilingual newcomers, and this path will contribute to the vitality of these Francophone minority communities.

A detailed description of all eligibility requirements is available within the General Policies.

Mendicino said if Canada continues to fight the epidemic, immigration will be crucial to its economic recovery by addressing labor shortages and adding workforce growth.

Along with a quick path to permanent residency, these special public policies will encourage essential temporary workers and international graduates to reduce their roots in Canada and help retain the skilled workers the country needs, especially in the health care system.

This announcement will help Canada achieve our 2021 Immigration Levels Plan, which will welcome 401,000 new permanent residents into the country. Talented newcomers and international graduates who are welcomed under the program will help create jobs and generate long-term growth in Canada.

Mendicino said: “The epidemic shone a bright light on the incredible contributions of newcomers. These new policies will enable those with temporary status to plan their future in Canada, play a major role in our economic recovery, and develop better. Our message to them is simple: Your condition may be temporary, but your contributions are long-lasting, and we want you to stay. ”

Quick facts

  • These general policies apply to workers in 40 health care industries and to 95 other essential jobs in various sectors such as maintenance and food production and distribution.
  • These policies form the significant measures already in place to help those here stay temporarily and permanently, including new measures to ensure that international students do not miss out on opportunities due to the greatest balance in epidemic and express history—entrance system.
  • Graduates and workers must be proficient in one of Canada’s official languages; Meeting public permit requirements; Be authorized to work and work in Canada at the time of application to qualify.
  • Immigration is essential to Francophone communities’ vitality across Canada, which is why these policies include exclusive seats for French-speaking or bilingual candidates, and there is no limit to their applications.
  • Canada faces serious statistical challenges. In 1971, there were 6.6 working-age seniors per adult. Today, there are 3 are, and by 2035 there will be only 2. Without newcomers, future generations will pay more to retain the public services that Canadians rely on.
  • According to Statistics Canada (January 2021), immigrants who have previously obtained a work permit report higher pay after one year as permanent residents.

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